News and Articles

Should you rely on cash? The case for investing

By | Investments | No Comments
Many people view cash as a “safe” place to put their money. Compared to investing, cash savings appear more stable and secure. However, cash is not risk-free and can incur opportunity costs, which may not…

Why does the Bank keep holding interest rates?

By | Savings | No Comments
On 20 June 2024, the Bank of England (BoE) decided to hold interest rates at 5.25%, continuing the level since August 2023. This surprised some analysts who thought that the Monetary Policy Committee might finally…

A short guide to private pensions

By | Pensions | No Comments
Private pensions can be powerful retirement planning tools, helping people enjoy a more comfortable and sustainable lifestyle. Yet, there often needs to be more clarity over how they work. In this guide, our Grantham financial…

How to navigate income taxes in 2024

By | Taxation | No Comments
Income tax is one of the UK’s three vital revenue streams for the government’s coffers. In 2023-24, it raised £277 billion for the Treasury. Together with VAT and National Insurance (NI) contributions, income tax comprises…