News and Articles

February 2023: what is happening in the UK economy?

By | Investments | No Comments
The UK has narrowly avoided a recession, according to Chancellor Hunt, after seeing flatlined GDP growth in the last quarter of 2022. The economy, it seems, has proven more resilient than thought. Moreover, the stock…

Financial planning for young people

By | Financial Planning | No Comments
Young people have a key advantage when making a financial plan – time. With longer to invest, for instance, your retirement fund has more time to grow. You have more years to organise your income…

How does Business Asset Disposal Relief work?

By | Business, Taxation | No Comments
When you sell an asset for a profit (e.g. shares in an investment account), there is often a tax – capital gains tax (CGT) – applied, undermining your returns. One of the advantages of being…

Investment platforms: a short guide

By | Investments | No Comments
In today’s digital world, it has never been easier to open an investment account – even with a small amount of money – and start building a portfolio. Yet is “DIY investing” a good idea,…
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