News and Articles

How financial planning fuels your wellbeing

By | Financial Planning | No Comments
Financial planning is objectively beneficial for your wealth and finances. Yet what about your mental wellbeing? Increasingly, studies demonstrate a key link between money and mind. How can you ensure that your financial plan is…

Managing money: A short guide for SMEs

By | Business | No Comments
Keeping control of your business finances is crucial to maintain stability and steer everything towards success. Yet not every owner is confident in establishing good financial habits to pay yourself (and team members), build good…

Balancing risk & reward as an investor

By | Investments | No Comments
Many people are attracted to the idea of investing. After all, the returns can be higher than the interest gained on cash savings. Yet the downside is the potential risk involved. It is possible that…

Can I save tax through charitable giving?

By | Taxation | No Comments
Giving to charity is not only a noble act by contributing towards a good cause. It can also help with mitigating a tax bill. Below, our Lincolnshire financial planners show how this works in practice…
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