News and Articles
Investing: a short guide for beginners
By castlegateadmin | Investments | No Comments
For beginners, investing can seem both intriguing and intimidating. You might be excited by the idea of building wealth, yet confused by the jargon and concepts put forward by the investing world. The good news…
Money-saving tips for 2024
By castlegateadmin | Savings | No Comments
Prices rose sharply in 2023 across the economy. Inflation stood at 10.4% in February last year, although the figure had fallen to around 4% by December. This compares to 4% in France and 3.8% in…
5 big pension mistakes to avoid
By castlegateadmin | Pensions | No Comments
A single mistake with your pension can significantly hurt your retirement finances if you are not careful. One key reason for errors is that pensions can be complex, leading to misunderstandings. Indeed, one study found…
The emotional benefits of a financial adviser
By castlegateadmin | Financial Planning | No Comments
Recent polls suggest that 10% of UK adults feel “hopeless” about their financial circumstances and 34% feel “anxious”. Moreover, stigma is still a barrier to people opening up and getting expert help. Half of British…