ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) are commonly heard about, but not always understood. Introduced in 1999 by the UK government, they are intended to encourage individuals and families to save by offering a tax-free “wrapper” for…
In 2014 it was estimated that about 350,000 people in England lived in residential care, yet studies suggest that the UK will need almost 200,000 more care home beds by 2035. Considering the UK has…
How to Help Your Grandchildren’s Financial Future: 4 Tips From an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) 3>
If you are a grandparent, it is possible you might be in a better position to provide financial help, guidance and teaching for your grandchildren than their parents can. If you’re wondering how best to…
Spring Budget: How Could it Affect your Savings and Pensions? 3>
Chancellor Philip Hammond recently announced plans for the Spring budget, as part of these plans new rules on pensions, individual savings accounts (ISAs), income tax and inheritance tax (IHT) are set to come into force…
Build a Nest Egg for when your Children need it 3>
The thought of a child flying the coop and leaving the family home can be a daunting thought for parents, with many asking how will their fledgling cope financially. Parents and family members often do…
(N)ISA and easy? Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) – a brief summary 3>
Cash ISA: 2016/17 limit £15,240; £20,000 from 2017/18. Stocks & Shares ISA: as above (can hold Alternative Investment Market based investments and gain exemption from inheritance tax after 2 years. AIM investments are high risk).…
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