In today’s digital world, it has never been easier to open an investment account – even with a small amount of money – and start building a portfolio. Yet is “DIY investing” a good idea,…
The past two years have witnessed the arrival of COVID-19, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, surging inflation (to levels not seen in 40 years), public sector strikes and three prime ministers. To say it has…
What is the best way to invest 100k for income? 3>
Investing a large sum of money can be very rewarding, but also highly complex. Which assets do you choose and what should be the balance between them? Another key question is whether you want to…
It is probably fair to say that we have not seen political instability like this for some time. At the time of writing, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has been sacked – only three weeks after publishing...
For many people, their minds drift to stocks when hearing the word “investing”. Yet investors have a range of asset types at their disposal. Fixed-income securities – bonds, in particular...
Regardless of what you do with your money, there are risks involved. Keeping cash in regular savings risks erosion by inflation. Putting it into shares involves the risk of the value falling in a bear…
When markets are dropping and capital growth falters, many investors are drawn to dividend funds to provide a regular income stream. In 2022, we have seen this behaviour in action as indexes like the S&P…
What does recession mean for Buy to Let investors? 3>
With GDP figures showing a 0.3% shrinkage for April 2022, many analysts are concerned that the UK is now entering a recession (following a decline of 0.1% in March). Although a “full blown” recession seems…
There are over 4,000 funds for investors to pick from in the UK. These encompass a wide range of sectors (e.g. technology, energy), markets (e.g. Europe, Japan) and asset types (stocks and bonds). Which ones…
Financial planning is about the major decisions in life – where you live, the lifestyle you provide for your family, and what your retirement will look like. Using your budget sensibly is one of the…
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